
… She’s just joined LL as the Media Relations manager and I couldn’t be happier! I know you’ll love her as much as I do!..
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LL: So glad to have you on board! You are filling a much-needed niche. It’s awesome when people with similar values and aesthetic randomly find each other in this big blog universe…
NB: Honestly, I’m still in shock (in a good way!) that I get I work with Lindsay Letters. Ever since I first discovered the brand through Shauna Niequist’s blog a while back, I’ve been Lindsay Letters’ number one fan. I love the lettering, of course, but also the design and quality of every single item in the shop. Personally, I have the “Anchored In Love” print by my front door, the “Olive You” print in my downstairs hallway, the “Be True” print in my office, and the “Be True” bistro mug in my cupboard, which I drink my coffee from every morning. Also, I have my eye on that “Flourish” canvas for my bedroom. I guess you could say that I’m a little obsessed! That being said, I’m thrilled that I get to be part of what’s happening at Lindsay Letters and that I get to play a role in helping people fall in love with the brand the way I have.
LL: What do you love to do?
NB: I love to be outside, especially near the ocean. In my free time I love to jog on the beach near my house, meet girlfriends for coffee at a local spot, snuggle with my puppy, and spend quality time with my husband (and favorite human being in the world) Brian. Lately, I’m also exploring the world of cooking and feeling super inspired by Gwyneth Paltrow’s new cookbook, It’s All Good, as well as Shauna Niequist’s newest book, Bread & Wine, which, of course, was lettered by Lindsay Letters!!

LL: What describes your style?
NB: My style could be described as classic, comfortable and chic. I like to stick to basics and am most inspired by J.Crew’s style guides, as well as pretty much anything Jennifer Aniston or Gwyneth Paltrow would wear. I love neutrals, subtle animal prints and stripes. Bold statement necklaces and pops of sequins never hurt, either. I keep a style file board on my Pinterest page to keep track of looks I love, and admittedly, help me get dressed in the morning sometimes, haha.

{above image from this post}
LL: What are your 5 favorite things, or what 5 things are most important to you?
NB: Oh gosh, only five? Let me see…how about I answer both?
5 favorite things: coffee dates, beach picnics, the written word (reading it and writing it), avocados and champagne.
5 most important things: my family, my “home team” of friends (the ones you can call for anything and who are basically family), integrity (both personally and professionally), taking time to rest, and daily choosing real beauty (as opposed to the narcissistic, vain, image-oriented kind that I am totally tempted to pursue).
LL: So excited to have you as part of the LL team! But that’s not your only job…
NB: I joke with my friends that I’m a “job collector,” because I can’t help myself when it comes to working on things I’m passionate about. Lindsay Letters is obviously my most recent job and one I’m super excited about, but I do have a few other jobs I do in addition. I spend the majority of my time working as an Executive Editor for Darling Magazine, a positive women’s magazine that’s all about the art of being a woman. Also, I am a weekly editorial and fashion contributor for Glitter Guide and the founder and editor of Thoughts By Natalie, my personal blog dedicated to honest talk on beauty, style, wellness and life. Needless to say, I keep busy, but when you love what you’re doing, it never really feels like work, you know?
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If you have any media specific questions (advertising, giveaway, collaborations, images, etc.), I’m flattered! Holler at Natalie, and she’ll hook you (or us) up. ;o) natalie{at}lindsayletters.com
Until soon! xo, L