
Oh my gosh. I can hardly…
This has been such a journey, and I know it’s only just beginning! Just over a year ago, I resigned from my position at our church. I loved it so much, but I knew it was time for me give Lindsay Letters 100% of my work attention. Around the same time, Dugan (who was working as the Student Ministries Director of Discipleship) (no, I have no idea what that means) (neither does he) felt that he was probably starting his last year on staff at our church. He was determined to finish well, and he did. He has a deep love for the students & staff in that ministry and leaving it will be super tough. But, we are ready for this next chapter of our story!
And now, we are excited to be packin’ up and heading out (south) west to Paradise Valley, Arizona at the end of this month!!! This is such an answer to prayer. More specifics later, but I am just in awe of how God is orchestrating this in His perfect way, in His perfect timing. As for Lindsay Letters, we’ll keep rolling along, gearing up for Holiday awesomeness per the usual. The shop will stay right where it is, and more details about that later. The Holiday Collection + some new goodies are set to launch the week of September 16th, so keep your eyes out for that. (I cannot wait to show you!!!)
So yea, moving is weird. It’s so cool and yucky at the same time. I’ve never moved anywhere except for college, and that was a half hour away so it doesn’t even really count. I’ve said goodbye to so many friends in the last couple years… Colorado, California, Indonesia, Wisconsin… the list goes on. It’s so weird to be on this end. To be the mover. I want to call my best friends and have them help me figure out if I should keep all my place settings or toss the broken ones, but then we end up sobbing and not talking about forks. You teeter back and fourth between excitement and sadness, and practicality, and the big things that makes moving so sad. The potential of not being here for babies being born or arriving (finally!) from Ethiopia, and traditions with friends and family and my niece’s dance recital. Ugh. My mind and heart just can’t quite comprehend. But then there’s an excitement, too. It will be such an adventure for our little family. I’m excited to wake up and see a big purple mountain, and to swim outside in March. I’m excited for how this will bond our family, and I can’t wait to watch Dugan, God willing, build a ministry nearly from the ground up. I’m all kinds of excited, but today, I’m sad mostly. But we know for certain that God has called us to somewhere else for this next season, and that hope will have to carry us through the tears.
Have you been through a move? Tell me I’m not alone.
Have you ever been near the Phoenix/Scottsdale area? Would LOVE (please please please!) any recommendations for people to meet, things to do, places to shop/eat/grab coffee, good places for kiddos, etc. And if you’re out that way, I’d love to meet you, too, once the dust settles!
Thanks so much for your prayers and support! Until soon – xo, L

(“With You I am Home” Print will be available at LindsayLetters.com 9/5/13!)