Happy Friday! The above photo {by Kimberly Neyer} is from my friend Ahndea’s sister Alana’s newly remolded kitchen. It’s so crisp and clean but still cozy. I love this picture because the Love is Gold Print and Zealous Arrows card are in it, but mostly I love her smart collection of Japanese drink ware from JMK Nippon – a restaurant close to any Rockfordian’s heart. You can read all about the remodel at Design*Sponge!

My new assumed friend Gwen is one of my new favorite people whom I’ve never met. She’s great friends with my great friend Laura, and so I get to be Gwen’s friend, too. You may remember her and her amazing top knot from this picture:

Gwen and Laura styled the heck out of the new Love is Gold Collection, and I’m so grateful that she has blessed me with her amazing talents. Gwen is a stylist, homemaker, mom, and warrior. You can read more about her daily adventures on her beautiful blog, The Makerista.

Whether your work is folding laundry or studying or styling, I am such an advocate for making yourself a beautiful space to work. And I’m really excited that the Wishbone Print made it into this lineup! (And that portrait by Caitlin Shearer! I could stare at her for days!) For more about Gwen’s blogging spot makeover, and more loveliness, click here.

And with that, you MUST check out designer Eva Black and her super awesome SPACES section of her blog. It’s a collection of artists and photos of where they work. So inspiring if you’re looking for a little office inspiration, or just inspiration in general! xoxo


And so it was with me, brothers and sisters. When I came to you, I did not come with eloquence or human wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness with great fear and trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

So first, let me just say that I am equal parts HUMBLED and SCARED OUT OF MY FREAKING MIND.

Second, I’m about to ask for your money. Just want to be up front about that. Please keep reading.

From the very first time I heard about The Mocha Club I have been so captivated by their philosophy. For less than the price of a mocha a day – a small sacrifice – you can make a big impact. Yes, yes yes. Small sacrifice for something big. I want that. I’ll take mine with soy…

One of the things I am constantly in awe of in this business world that I’ve stumbled into is how God is continually bringing women of faith into my businessy designy lettery bloggy online world. That was something I never even thought to pray for, but God continually connects crazy, swirling dots in my life and I come to know people like Marisa – Community Brand Manager for The Mocha Club. When Trina introduced Marisa and I, it was love at first conference call. Within hours, I was designing for their online store. As I was making the sketches, all I could think was “God, you are CRAZY. I cannot believe that I get to do this!!!!!!” (But seriously though God, you’re crazy).

And that brings us to a few months later, when Marisa asked me to go to Kenya with them. Writer, speaker, blogger, and super down-to-earth Annie Downs has started a Purpose Project with Mocha Club to raise money to fix up the classrooms and to help support the staff at New Dawn Educational Centre in Nairobi, Kenya. Once her goal is raised, Annie is taking a group of women to Kenya this May to see the school and report back. We’ll also visit HEKO which is a ministry in the Kibera slum of Nairobi that serves those infected & effected by HIV/AIDS. One of the best parts? You could come with us! For just a $25 donation, you could win the chance to come on the trip with us. Check out Annie’s video:

So that’s it. We are about $2,000 short and we have ONE WEEK! Would you please help? Just $25 dollars could make a HUGE difference. Won’t you go on this journey with me? Literally, figuratively, I need your support. For more details about the trip, check out Annie’s blog. // –> DONATE HERE <– xo, l

*Have you ever been out of the country? Africa? Anywhere? Service project? I’d apprecaite any insight/love/prayers/chocolate!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Words cannot express my gratitude for all your love & support of LL!… (so how about a big fat discount instead?) TODAY ONLY, get 20% off your entire purchase at Lindsay Letters! [code: LOVE14] This is particularly exciting because we have a bunch of shiny new stuff up (including your new favorite sweatshirt!) plus a fun behind-the-scenes film we’d love for you to check out. So in between your yummy-chocolate-eating and hot-date-primping and chick-flick-watchin’ and popcorn-noshing, stop by the shop and take a look around! I hope you see something you love. xo, linds

(p.s. Meet Gwen & Kylie! They are styling rock starts and styled 2 separate shoots you’ll see in the product photos!)

(p.p.s. Thanks to my friend Ahndea, the Love is Gold Print made a little cameo on Design*Sponge yesterday! Eeek!)

Can’t wait to show you the rest of the collection soon! // Love is the Only Gold Canvas
Also, don’t forget that valentine’s day is just around the corner. We’re now selling our super popular Zealous Arrows Card in Gold, and on new super thick stock! I think you’ll love it! Shop the Be Mine Collection

We’re headed back to IL this weekend! I’m not at all looking forward to being freezing cold, but I can’t wait to get back to the shop after a couple of months, and I cannot WAIT to see friends and family. Enjoy your weekend, everyone! xo, l
