My great friend Laura recently sent me some beautiful images with this Andy Warhol print in them (although I found the above image from Coco + Kelly) and I was reminded of how much I just adore Andy Warhol. Not the typical Marilyn and such, but the more whimsical and typographic things he made. Just beautiful. (You can find an old post I did on how he inspires me here). When browsing through images in search for the Pretty print, I stumbled upon this letter of rejection he had received from MoMA. I’d seen it before, and loved it before, and thought it was worth revisiting.
Next time you think your work – no matter the kind – might be unvalued or unwanted, think of Andy and think of Shoe, and take a deep breath. Keep doing your best, keep making work you’re proud of, and people will notice. And even if they don’t, you will still have made yourself proud, and that’s really what matters, anyway. xo, l
Andy Warhol Shoe