Hello! I just got back from a wonderful, super relaxing vacation. We were very blessed to be able to spend some family time together for a week at a friend’s place in Kentucky while they were out of town. The house was beautiful, the weather was perfect, and I fell more in love with my husband, his family, and a goldendoodle named Bubba. This vacation was exactly what the doctor ordered, and we all were so appreciative of the blessing of this amazing place to stay.

I have so many new things to share with you that I’m not exactly sure where to start! But I’m glad to be back. Back home, back to blogging, back to weddings, and back to feeling a little more normal than last trimester. xo, linds

p.s. my blog looks yucky right now. I don’t have margin to fix it just yet, so bare with me for a bit. Just wanted to assure you that those changes weren’t intentional. ;o)


SO MANY THANKS to all of you for your prayers and sweet congratulations on the baby-to-be! Seriously, I so appreciate it!!! I know there is no such thing as a “typical” pregnancy, but as of today, I officially feel like I’m fulfilling every pregnancy stereotype there is. {Aside from the fact that I can barely think about ginger ale or saltines without getting sick. Yuck!} Anyway, right on schedule, the nesting instinct hit me like a ton of bricks today. Immediately, I was at once overcome with the intense desire to:
– completely redo our bedroom
– move
– buy acrylic furniture
– paint a few bedrooms {especially one wall deep turquoise}
– start a “nursery” sticky note with links to things that inspire me
– go antiquing and thrift storing…
– ..and stop by Target on the way to buy a few dresses that disguise everything on the front of my body that is growing before my eyes…
Because most of these things aren’t realistic… or in the budget… I decided the most practical thing for my “I have to do it–and do it now!” self would be to do a little spring sprucing around lindsay letters. So, I wanted to give you a heads up that if you check in and my site and it looks a little wonky, I’m sorry. Please excuse the mess and know that if something looks totally out of whack, it’s not my intention and I’ll fix it soon. All the more reason for you to check back! ;o) xo, linds

I recently created lots of these little cuties to assist {along with glitter and branches} in adorning terrariums for a wedding shower. Client photo of the cards in action soon? I hope so! xo, linds

Remember this post? I created some custom invitations for a lovely baby shower. A couple weeks ago, I was thrilled to see that Shauna posted about it on her blog. What fun! {You can see some of the little food cards I made in the photos below, taken by her friend Melody Martinez}. Doesn’t everything look DELICIOUS?! Shauna’s the writer, so I’ll send you to her post about the shower so you can read all about the shower and the yummy spread! Sweet! xo, linds

Remember 6ish years ago when we were all watching our beloved Carrie play dress up in Paris–and wondering aloud to our girlfriends during the commercial breaks why she could spend so much money on dresses and shoes, but didn’t find the margin to touch up her roots? {We were perplexed, but it didn’t matter. She looked fabulous anyway. Of course}

Well, as I’ve noticed with most of the fashion on that show, the ladies of Sex and the City were definitely a handful of years ahead of the fashion forecast for the rest of the world. {Well, for the midwest farmer’s daughters, anyway}. Of course, now the ombré hair trend is popping up everywhere I look for fashion inspiration. And I LOVE it. LOOOVE it. But here’s the question–is it too much?

Since this whole hair episode of mine, you obviously know I have no fear of change. However, I have a running joke with some of my friends that where I live is not quite ready for some of the audacious offerings of an on-trend lifestyle. {2 of the last 3 times I wore a Ban.do to run errands, I got asked if I was in a play or in costume. Seriously}. However, bits of ombré keep popping up in my life {like you, Miss Brooklyn!} and I’m thinking you know what? I love it. And since when has Rockford not being ready ever stopped me before? Never. {Well… sometimes}… I’m going in for a consultation tomorrow so we’ll see what happens! {By the way, it’s good to see you again!} xo, linds

p.s. The photographs of Carrie are from HBO. If you’d like to watch any of the Paris episodes, you can do so here.

Update: I DID IT!!! Paula at thexperience salon & spa is a-mazing! She did an excellent job–I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out!! {Thanks so much for all your cute comments and emails}. Here are a few {really crummy quality, sorry} photos of how it turned out. Thanks, Paula! I LOVE it!!
