garnish party / jones design company collaboration

So picture this: I wake up, let the dogs out, start the coffee, brush my teeth, and sit down at my laptop. This is my usual morning routine–nothing unusual about this day. Until… I go to one of my favorite blogs in the whole universe and realize that the Emily from the Jones Design Company posted about… me {here}! Well, okay… not really about me… but she mentioned me. I couldn’t believe it! Even more exciting, I found out that Emily had a party coming up and that I was the girl for the {invitation} job. Yes! Collaborating with other like-minded creatives is one of the best things in the world. I created the wording for the invite based on the super cute purpose of the party {if you’ve never been to Garnish, you must}, and I created the look of the invite to coordinate with the gift tags that Emily designed. Then, we divided and conquered. I designed the invite, Emily assembled, and then applied the design to all of the other paper for the party. Brilliant! Here are some of the photos she took while she was assembling the invites:

For more details about the invites click here and to see photos from the party, click here.

Emily and her blog have literally changed my life. For inspiring words, pretty things, purchasable prints, and all the tutorials one girl can handle, pay her a visit. You’ll be glad you did. Emily–you’re a role model and a pleasure! I am so grateful for this new friendship. xo, linds
