black friday!

I’m not much of a “black friday” shopper. In the years that I tried to be a part of that team, I realized I spent more of my Christmas budget on buying stuff like $4.99 ballet slippers I just HAD to have for me, instead of shopping for the people actually on my list. That to say, it’s safer for me to stay away from any mall-type establishment. My husband happens to make the very best cheesy scrambled eggs on the face of the planet, so I’m sleeping in and starting my vacation day off with that. Yay!

But for the rest of you–faithful black friday shoppers that you are–here are a few little delicious bits of eye candy for you to feast your eyes on! My friend {and partner in entertaining crime} Ahndea is a real style guru. She herself has a beautiful personal style all her own and is totally put together. True story–last time we went to lunch together, someone told her she was beautiful and that he liked her outfit… promptly after asking me if I #1. had been painting [no] and #2. was dressed like I was because I was in a play [also no]. So anyway, she has got it going ON. In her styling, Ahndea started making custom accessories for her and her family to wear. Well, people started loving them and asking if they were available for purchase, and thus HeirBloom was born. Here are some photos shot of me at our “friend Thanksgiving” wearing one of her headbands as I’m grazing through all of her vintage jewelry for her holiday collection! {more photos from that event here}.

She also made a custom piece for me that you can see in the photos below. {Laura of Lark Photography was gracious enough to shoot the photos for me–thanks Laura!} In the early new year, I’ll be working with Ahndea on marketing her brand, and I’ve included a {tiny–don’t want to give it away!} sneak peak of one of the scans for some of the calligraphy that will be included. I’ll be sure to keep you posted as all that develops!

So, If you’re online shopping this holiday season and in the market for a unique, custom gift for a lovely lady in your life, stop on by Ahndea’s etsy storefront and take a look! Happy shopping!/movie-ing/relaxing/decorating!… or whatever this black friday brings you! xo, linds
